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Plan B Adventures
Welcome to Plan B Adventures, the premier provider of exclusive, fun, and adventurous boat tours around Koh Chang and the surrounding islands in Trat, Thailand. Let us take you on an unforgettable journey through turquoise waters, pristine beaches, and hidden coves
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From fishing and island hopping to swimming, snorkelling, paddleboarding and BBQs, even overnight island stays , we offer something for everyone
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Get acquainted. exclusive & unique virtual underwater and aerial drone tours you can watch from anywhere
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Let's Explore Thailand's Beautiful South Eastern Islands

Plan B Adventures, based on stunning Koh Chang Island offers exclusive adventure day tours, overnight cruises in conjunction with our resort partners and unique underwater and arial drone “virtual tours”. Get aquainted andenticed from the comfort of your living room anywhere, before booking your holiday. Great members discounts and offers available. 

Enjoy Underwater Drone Experiences with us

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In addition to discounts and special offers, members also have access to our unique underwater and aerial drone videos. These videos allow you to explore the beauty of Koh Chang and the surrounding islands from the comfort of your own home before coming to Thailand or booking a tour with us.

Our videos provide a unique and immersive experience, showcasing the stunning landscapes and marine life that you’ll encounter on our tours.


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Leave your worries behind and enjoy the tours

Our team of experienced guides and staff are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and personalized service, ensuring that your exclusive tour is everything you want it to be and more.

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Our Most Popular Spots

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Islands near Koh Chang come in all shapes and sizes, sitting either just off the coast or further out to sea in the archipelago.

Best known of all these islands is Koh Rang, about an hour out from Bang Bao, with Koh Mak lying to its west. This is the centre of the Marine Park with three distinct sets of its own tiny isles off its shores, a snorkeling and diving paradise.

Koh Ngam and Koh Laoya, near to the south east corner of Koh Chang have very pretty beaches and a resort each, though Koh Ngam’s is on a permanent temporary closure. Both can be visited on boat trips.

Also located a little way out from Bang Bao, Koh Klum  features in various boat tour itineraries – the so- called 3 island trip. It now boasts a small resort now too.

Finally, off Koh Chang’s north west and west coast, as well as in Salak Phet bay in the south, there are other clusters of tiny uninhabited islands, great for visiting in a kayak.

As to how many islands make up the archipelago, 52 to 54 is the figure that the various surveys settle on, with other scattered rocks and pinnacles, such as the dive sites at Hin Rap and Hin Luk Bat, not included in that total.

43 of this figure are given Marine Park designation, principally all those around Koh Chang, Koh Wai and Koh Rang, with those off Koh Mak and Koh Kood not falling into that classification.

Please contact us regarding tours and trips to any of these as access often changes.

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Anne Claire


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